Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The Power of One Small Dot

I live in northern Alabama, where hunting, rodeos, and eating animals are the norm. I grew up in this area, and didn't know any vegetarians or vegans in my younger years. I had to leave the state (and the lower 48), then return before I found the courage to make food choices that I believed in.

When I became vegan two years ago, having a good vegan community - a safe circle - helped me navigate through my daily food and other consumption choices. My vegan group keeps me sane, gives me great suggestions on vegan foods to try, and is filled with amazing people. They're not all ethical vegans, and a few are vegetarians curious about taking the next step. But without fail the people participating in my local vegan group are the wittiest and kindest people I've met.

This blog is partly my experience living as a vegan in the South, and partly about what it is like to have an amazing local vegan community. I'm kicking it off with the 2013 Vegan Month of Food (Vegan MOFO!), and hope to keep writing long after September is done.